A certain fly who had managed to get to the moon wrote a story about his experiences, which later appeared in the Helena Gazette. From his viewpoint, although there were vast open spaces, it did not seem unlike other places he had been. He recalled the distances he had flown over in the Mojave Desert and the enormity of the tundra in the far North. All this he was busily recounting when he realized he was lodged in a bottle floating on the open sea. It seemed that his editor, who was fond of drinking, had left the bottle uncorked and sent it spinning as he blindly staggered toward an open door.
A young man had an appointment with the local librarian concerning a job available at the Helena Library. He decided to concentrate on how well dressed and groomed he would be. The librarian, a woman in her late sixties, thought that she must look her best for the young man, since she was, after all, a woman as well as a librarian.
The young man neglected that her eyesight, dimmed with time, would not see the details of his handsome preparations. The elderly librarian neglected the fact that the young man could see her age.
When they met she felt compelled to challenge him on his knowledge, since he didn’t seem impressed with her beauty. He, in turn, felt at a loss to explain why it was she hadn’t succumbed to his youthful charms.
Beyond the reflecting pool at the far end of his garden, the Mayor of Helena stood in a grove of Quaking Aspens. It was noticed by the Mayor, as well as by several of his friends, that one tree came into leaf a good deal later than all of the others. Curious, the group determined to watch for any peculiar or unusual signs and to search for the reasons why.
Late one May, after a cold and somnambulant winter, the Mayor was awakened by the sound of a bird outside his bedroom window. Loving birds he hastened to the window to see if he could identify it. Looking out across the garden he dimly discerned the form of a large woodpecker tapping on the unleafed tree.
He returned to bed and, after what seemed to be a long and very deep sleep, he awakened to the call of a friend, who noticed in passing that all of the Aspen were Quaking.